Day 4

Day 4 was a Friday and thank fucking god for that. My week felt long, my resolve was low, and I needed the weekend to come as fast as possible. In fact, my resolve was so low on Friday that I ate 2 bagels, a piece of a donut, and half a cookie. So much […]

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Day 3

The reduction in my Metformin dose has brought me a lot of relief. No more “gastrointestinal irritation,” as they like to say. I have committed to my diet and supplement routine, but I haven’t *quite* gotten my shit together in the realm of exercise. To be fair, I really am short on time on weekdays. […]

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Day 2

The word that best describes Day 2 is “diarrhea.” No joke. Metformin is a useful medication for people with high blood sugar, but it also comes with some side effects while your body gets used to it. For me, those side effects manifested themselves as an upset stomach and diarrhea. Really bad diarrhea. The kind that wakes […]

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Day 1

I had an appointment with my integrative doctor on Monday, March 7th, 2016. It was only the second time I had met her, but the meeting was much better than the first. We went over my blood work, which was pretty shitty, and then she told me that I needed to meet a European man […]

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